Transfer Application

Transfer Application

Are you ready? Take the next step and apply to Drake for free today.

因为我们会单独审查每一份入学申请, there is no single, inflexible set of standards—such as GPA, test score, or years of courses. 下面的信息概述了你将需要把你的转到威尼斯人网上娱乐的申请放在一起. We're here to help; contact your admission counselor if you have any questions.

Wondering about financial assistance? Use the Net Price Calculator 来帮助你估算你在威尼斯人网上娱乐的实际花费.

Apply Now


As you apply for admission to Drake, 一定要跟踪截止日期,以确保所有必需的文件都在适当的截止日期前发送.

Undergraduate Programs

Priority application deadlines for admission, scholarships, and financial aid consideration are listed below. Applications are accepted after priority dates. Once all required documents are received, 完整的申请将被审查,并以滚动方式发出录取通知. For assistance, 鼓励学生与入学办公室联系,与转学入学顾问交谈.

  • Fall term: July 1 priority review for all complete applications; after July 1, 申请审查继续在个人和滚动的基础上进行.
  • Spring term: December 1 priority review for all complete applications; after Dec. 1、在课程开始之前,申请将根据具体情况进行考虑.
  • Summer term: April 15 priority review for all complete applications; after April 15, 在课程开始之前,申请将根据具体情况进行考虑.

Doctor of Pharmacy (Only Available for Fall Semester)

药学博士课程没有申请截止日期. Applications must be submitted through Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS).


职业治疗博士(OTD)课程没有申请截止日期. Applications must be submitted through OTCAS.

Application Requirements

Application (All Undergraduate Programs)

所有本科专业转学申请者(药学博士除外*), Doctorate of Occupational Therapy**, 和运动训练硕士(***)必须完成以下其中一项:

Both options are given equal consideration for admission. There is no application fee when applying online.

Apply Now

*PharmD applicants 药学博士(PharmD)项目只接受秋季学期的申请. 转学生应通过学校的 Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS).有关药学博士入学要求的完整列表,请访问我们的 PharmD admission page.

**Doctorate of Occupational Therapy applicants 职业治疗计划(OTD)计划只接受秋季学期. 转学生应通过学校的 职业治疗师集中申请服务(OTCAS). 如欲了解OTD入学要求的完整列表,请访问我们的 OTD admission page.

***Master of Athletic Training (MAT) is offered for the Fall semester only. Students should use the 运动训练集中应用服务(ATCAS)申请. 有关MAT要求的完整列表,请访问我们的 MAT admission page.


All transfer applicants 必须提供所有学期就读的所有学院的正式成绩单吗, including summer.

对于在申请时获得少于24个学时大学学分的学生 我们还需要你的高中成绩单或高中同等学历证书的复印件.

所有成绩单必须加盖公章,并由负责或记录的官员签名,由各机构直接发送到威尼斯人网上娱乐招生办公室. Transcripts that are faxed, scanned, photocopied, lacking an original seal, 或者是由学生持有的,都不被视为正式文件. If you are using the Common Application, 威尼斯人网上娱乐将接受通过通用申请澳门威尼斯人网站发送的成绩单.


Where to send transcripts:



Office of Admission
Drake University
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505


Audition (Music or Theatre Students)


In order to be admitted to the Department of Music, 并且作为音乐专业的学生有资格申请奖学金, Music minor, or non-major participant, 未来的学生需要参加威尼斯人网上娱乐音乐学院的试镜. 了解更多关于即将到来的音乐系试镜日期和试镜要求, visit the Department of Music Audition Information page.


In order to be admitted to any of the B.F.A. Theatre Arts degree programs or the Musical Theatre minor, 并有机会获得学院美术奖学金, 未来的学生需要在校园威尼斯人网上娱乐剧院试镜日或国家统一剧院试镜中试镜/展示他们的作品集. 要了解更多关于即将到来的剧院试镜日期和试镜要求,请访问 Theatre Arts Off Campus and On Campus Auditions page.

Optional Admission Documents 


Test Score


Essay/Personal Statement

威尼斯人网上娱乐入学不要求提交论文. 我们审查所有的申请,不管有没有论文,都一视同仁. 

However, if we believe additional information is required, 你的入学顾问可能会联系你,要求提交一篇论文来补充你的申请. 在这种情况下,您可以选择通用申请中提供的任何论文提示.

Common Application Essay Prompt Options:

  1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, 或者是那些非常有意义的天赋,以至于他们认为如果没有这些天赋,他们的申请就不完整. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
  2. 我们从遇到的障碍中吸取的教训可能是日后成功的基础. 叙述一次你面对挑战、挫折或失败的经历. 它对你有什么影响,你从中学到了什么?
  3. 回想一下你质疑或挑战某个信念或想法的经历. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
  4. 回想一下别人为你做过的让你感到快乐或感激的事情. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
  5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, 或者是激发了一段时间的个人成长和对自己或他人的新理解的意识.
  6. 描述一个你觉得很吸引人的话题、想法或概念,它会让你忘记时间. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
  7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.